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mardi 17 janvier 2012

General vocabulary

 the candles are burning : bougies
The greater part of the population have candles in their home

The rescue team drive in the wrong direction, they found ten bodies at arrival
Likely she wasn't in her room when storm began
We rescue some families and relative

Birds fly accross the fields : flew, have flow
I'll come round six o'clock
She borrowed a big amount of money from the bank for her home : emprunter
There are hundreds of items in the catalogue, She wore a scarf round her neck in winter.
A journey round the world 
That does not sound very likely : probable
On behalf of the president : au nom de 
Do not hide your tears from me : larmes
A written statement. : declaration
This is a made-up story : inventé
Give in to a request  : céder à 
She is on the cover of Vogue
Even in the countryside the stars are becoming much harder to spot : [kuhn-tree-sahyd]
Until now such systems have only been produced on a small scale 
The way street light is managed now is so outdated
But in moments of stillness, now as then, we find opportunities for reflection, random association and creativity : tranquillité
We must struggle to regain such a precious and rarefied commodity : devons nous battre : [struhg-uhl]

It's starting to clear up
down the corridor : au bout du coulioir
He lives in a small flat : appart

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