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vendredi 20 janvier 2012
mardi 17 janvier 2012
General vocabulary
the candles are burning : bougies
The greater part of the population have candles in their home
The rescue team drive in the wrong direction, they found ten bodies at arrival
Likely she wasn't in her room when storm began
We rescue some families and relative
Birds fly accross the fields : flew, have flow
I'll come round six o'clock
She borrowed a big amount of money from the bank for her home : emprunter
There are hundreds of items in the catalogue, She wore a scarf round her neck in winter.
A journey round the world
That does not sound very likely : probable
On behalf of the president : au nom de
Do not hide your tears from me : larmes
A written statement. : declaration
This is a made-up story : inventé
Give in to a request : céder à
She is on the cover of Vogue
Even in the countryside the stars are becoming much harder to spot : [kuhn-tree-sahyd]
Until now such systems have only been produced on a small scale
The way street light is managed now is so outdated
But in moments of stillness, now as then, we find opportunities for reflection, random association and creativity : tranquillité
We must struggle to regain such a precious and rarefied commodity : devons nous battre : [struhg-uhl]
It's starting to clear up
down the corridor : au bout du coulioir
The greater part of the population have candles in their home
The rescue team drive in the wrong direction, they found ten bodies at arrival
Likely she wasn't in her room when storm began
We rescue some families and relative
Birds fly accross the fields : flew, have flow
I'll come round six o'clock
She borrowed a big amount of money from the bank for her home : emprunter
There are hundreds of items in the catalogue, She wore a scarf round her neck in winter.
A journey round the world
That does not sound very likely : probable
On behalf of the president : au nom de
Do not hide your tears from me : larmes
A written statement. : declaration
This is a made-up story : inventé
Give in to a request : céder à
She is on the cover of Vogue
Even in the countryside the stars are becoming much harder to spot : [kuhn-tree-sahyd]
Until now such systems have only been produced on a small scale
The way street light is managed now is so outdated
But in moments of stillness, now as then, we find opportunities for reflection, random association and creativity : tranquillité
We must struggle to regain such a precious and rarefied commodity : devons nous battre : [struhg-uhl]
It's starting to clear up
down the corridor : au bout du coulioir
He lives in a small flat : appart
Reading Oracle documentations
While other tools or settings show us WHAT the CBO comes up with
Choose a tool which helps us solve the "why is this statement so bad?" issue
Choose a tool which helps us solve the "why is this statement so bad?" issue
vendredi 13 janvier 2012
Reading BBC News
The media have been full of predictions about what may happen in the months ahead.
Forecast made in 1900 :
thinks Watkins might even be hinting at a much bigger future breakthrough
Ready-cooked meals will be bought from establishment similar to our bakeries of today. : [bey-kuh-ree, beyk-ree]
Reading post : From marathons to mud running
The majority of those taking part were not elite athletes, but running laymen - albeit very good laymen.
When you start doing something different and really pushing yourself you can't stop. You find out what you can really achieve.
When you go out and do exercise you really try to get the most from it.
You can't get through it on your own, you need the people around you to help you
Forecast made in 1900 :
thinks Watkins might even be hinting at a much bigger future breakthrough
Ready-cooked meals will be bought from establishment similar to our bakeries of today. : [bey-kuh-ree, beyk-ree]
Reading post : From marathons to mud running
The majority of those taking part were not elite athletes, but running laymen - albeit very good laymen.
When you start doing something different and really pushing yourself you can't stop. You find out what you can really achieve.
When you go out and do exercise you really try to get the most from it.
You can't get through it on your own, you need the people around you to help you
samedi 7 janvier 2012
Telling a story : at work
Pinpoint the cause of trouble : indiquer avec précision
[ At morning ]
Every day morning I wash my teeth for tree minuites when water is boiling for coffee
[ At diner ]
The cake is in the oven : four
[ Driving car ]
Don't park on the pavement : trotoir
I drive my car in a narrow street : etroite [nar-oh]
We drove along the highway to Clermont
[ At home ]
My gril friend has large supplies of clothing for every day life
Every Friday I do the wash
[[ cooking ]]
Peeling potatoes is a boring way to spend a few minutes that you would rather spend reading a book, watching a film or with your family : [puh-tey-toh, -tuh]
Sliced fruit and ready chopped vegetables. : [slahys] [froot] [chopt]
And food tastes better when it's made from scratch : [teyst]
Some of the more extreme examples of "lazy food" might be seen to indicate a decline in culinary skills : [kyoo-luh-ner-ee]
These products are essential for elderly people like my Mum
[ In the city ]
Our home is surrounded by gardens [suh-round]
There's a shortage of water in my city today : [shawr-tij]
I do have a home in Ivory cost, my parent living there
[ at work ]
dial phone number [dahy-uhl, dahyl]
He apologized to his boss for his mistake
My boss is currently on vacation and will be back next week ( he is visinting some families and relatives), so we have to get by
He resigned under pressure from the board : [presh-er]
We are faced with a huge problem
I am working in IT department of Coface
Sorry to bother you but I have a question
He is currently on vacation and will be back next week. We will keep you posted : tenir informer
I quite understand what you are saying
We need to get this process moving on
We hold a closed-door meeting with members of departement : held
A topic that falls out of the scope of this post
We have no time to stand and stare : observer et s'émerveiller
As a telephonist I wear a headset for eight hours a day : [hed-set]
there could be a way to sidestep the logging issue: conturner :/ˈsaɪdˌstɛp/
You'll find below the milestones of this implementation : [mahyl-stohn] : jalon
[ on vaccation ]
I begins a 4 days stay visit in London
[ beeing an Oracle DBA ]
My name is Marcellin YOUAN
Rigth now i am working as Oracle DBA for the insurance compagny Coface.
It can take years before being a good Oracle dba Just some of the things you may have to weigh up when deciding to do DBA job
I'm a member of team with set of very technical skills.
There are many assumptions made about DBA jobs
[ Telling about economics ]
We don't want to let a country to go to bankrupt
Quatar orderes 40 air bus
Jobless figures better than expected
Health insurance costs increase
[ what about politics ]
The french government is extreamly concern about violence in Iran : préoccupér
People during demonstration want him to resign
He is running againt five others candidates
Sarkoky and zapetero agree to root out ETA
They say what they think without worring about others opinions
It is something they don't bother thinking about
No one know what going on
We are going to move onThe credit market is decreasing
L'artiste de la semaine : Chris Rea
Cet avis a été évalué par 14 membres de Ciao en moyenne: très intéressant
Je ne comprend pas pourquoi personne n’a encore ecrit sur cet artiste que personnellement j’adore et je vais vous dire pourquoi :
Tout d’abord qui est Chris Rea :
Chris Rea fait partie des artistes européens qui ont particulièrement marqué les années 80. Originaire d'Angleterre, Chris fait ses débuts dans les années 70. Au départ, Chris fait partie d'un groupe local Magdalene qui remporte un certain succès au niveau national mais pas suffisamment pour obtenir un contrat dans une maison de disque. Chris quitte alors le groupe pour se consacrer à sa carrière solo. Tout d’abord qui est Chris Rea :
Au cours des vingt années suivantes, Chris Rea va sortir une quinzaine d'albums avec des titres aussi célèbres que The road to hell, Auberge, On the beach ou Josephine. Après un long moment d'absence, Chris Rea revient en 2000, avec The King Of The Beach, un nouvel opus dont je vous parlerait un peu plus tard dans mon avis.
Alors me direz vous comment ai je connu Chris Rea et bien grâce a mon père, d’ailleurs la plupart des chanteurs ou groupes que j’aime sont de l’époque de mes parents, comme phils collins, dire straits, genesis, police, sting, goldman, les infidèles,… me rappelle qu’on l’écoutait souvent en voiture et même maintenant je le fais encore.
Le premier album que j’ai entendu de lui est certainement le plus connu : Auberge avec des chansons comme « gone fishing , set me free, ou encore looking for the summer qui sont parmis les meilleurs. cet album contient 12 chansons.Cet album a la face avant verte sur le coté droit avec écrit « auberge – chris rea » et de l’autre coté une peinture faite par Alan Fearnley représentant une petite sportive anglaise sur une route sinueuse avec en fond un manoir.
Le seul reproche que l’on pourrait faire est sur le petit carnet contenant les textes qui est très banale, les textes écrits sur un fond blanc.
Le seul reproche que l’on pourrait faire est sur le petit carnet contenant les textes qui est très banale, les textes écrits sur un fond blanc.
Le second album que je possède de lui est « GOD’S GREAT BANANA SKIN ».
Il est composé de 11 chansons qui font toutes plus de 4min et la 1ere qui dure 9min avec une magnifique intro de plus de 2min a la guitare qui en ferait pâlir plus d’un.
La pochette est bleue en fond avec le dessin d’une banane épluché. De même pour cet album on peut regretter le carnet ou encore une fois on ne trouve que les textes et aucunes photos.
Et enfin nous en arrivons a « King of the beach »,un album qui respire le bonheur et la tranquillité.
La pochette est encore une fois un dessin qui représente une immense plage de sable fin blanc avec une magnifique eau bleu turquoise et un splendide ciel bleu. Rien de mieux pour vous faire rêver tout en écoutant ces 12 chansons toutes plus belles les une que les autres. un vrai régale.
Les titres sont :
1. King of the beach2. All summer song
3. Sail away
4. Still beautiful
5. The bones of angels
6. Guitar street
7. Who do you love
8. The memory of a good friend
9. Sandwritting
10. Tamatave
11. God gave me an angel
12. Waiting for a blue sky
Tout cet album est un savant mélange d’arrangement entre guitare et piano avec par dessus, la splendide voie grave de Chris Rea.
Contrairement à certaine musiques ou chansons d’aujourd’hui ou on entend pas le chanteur car la musique est tellement forte, peut-être justement pour caché la voie d’un chanteur que l’on a propulsé sur le devant de la scène pour se faire un peu d’argent sur son dos pendant 1 an.Ici la voie qui est tellement belle et pure est réellement mise en avant tout en laissant entendre les superbe mélodies et tout cela sans crier.
En plus toutes les chansons sont écrites par chris rea lui même.
Et oui cet homme est un véritable auteur compositeur, et en plus il joue superbement bien de la guitare, bon peut-être pas aussi bien qu’Eric clapton ou que Mark Knofler mais c’est tout de même excellent. chris rea est accompagné par Max middleton au piano et par Martin Dichman au percussion .
En plus toutes les chansons sont écrites par chris rea lui même.
Et oui cet homme est un véritable auteur compositeur, et en plus il joue superbement bien de la guitare, bon peut-être pas aussi bien qu’Eric clapton ou que Mark Knofler mais c’est tout de même excellent. chris rea est accompagné par Max middleton au piano et par Martin Dichman au percussion .
En conclusion un album sans défaut que je recommande au amoureux des belles musiques et des belles chansons.
vendredi 6 janvier 2012
Informatique vocabulary
All students need to how to use computers nowadays
To plug
Website address
At symbol @
Flat rate
To plug
Website address
At symbol @
Flat rate
English : Buisness vocabulary
HTC's models struggled to compete with those of its rivals.
Fitch has become the third ratings agency to cut Hungary's credit rating to junk status
The country is attempting to resolve a stand-off with the International Monetary Fund over a new loan facility
Fitch has become the third ratings agency to cut Hungary's credit rating to junk status
The country is attempting to resolve a stand-off with the International Monetary Fund over a new loan facility
jeudi 5 janvier 2012
Watching France 24 5/01/2011
Request for death penality for the former egiptian president
Monthy made a surprise trip in brusel
Call for observers to leave
they decide to cut the trip
They don't have long to prepare the next trip
day after Day
The american soldier has left Iraq
Ndour urge world leaders to pressure Wade to abandon his bid
Can they complete their mission?
Bloody week-end in Syria
Get plenty
Paul sckoll come out of retiremnt
Manchester united on top in the derby
Express hunger
Many demonstration in Syria
Sirian on broad have some demonstrations
He plans Pakistan comeback
Nigeria is bigger oil productor
Deliveries for ethiopian people
Hitian demonstrator
Monthy made a surprise trip in brusel
Call for observers to leave
they decide to cut the trip
They don't have long to prepare the next trip
day after Day
The american soldier has left Iraq
Ndour urge world leaders to pressure Wade to abandon his bid
Can they complete their mission?
Bloody week-end in Syria
Get plenty
Paul sckoll come out of retiremnt
Manchester united on top in the derby
Express hunger
Many demonstration in Syria
Sirian on broad have some demonstrations
He plans Pakistan comeback
Nigeria is bigger oil productor
Deliveries for ethiopian people
Hitian demonstrator
lundi 2 janvier 2012
Anglais : leçon de la semaine : Interview
What is your group involvement in the recent arms deals?
I have no connections with arms dealers.
You met them in the hotel lobby : hall
Would you mind giving us an explanation?
Here, you are getting into their car .
Unfortunaly it is true
Could you please answer our questions ? ( noter l'absence de "to")
On Monday, april 4th, 1993
Do you like England? Yes i do
Is she comming tomorrow? Yes she is
It is terribly late. Awfully. It awfully late
I have no connections with arms dealers.
You met them in the hotel lobby : hall
Would you mind giving us an explanation?
Here, you are getting into their car .
Unfortunaly it is true
Could you please answer our questions ? ( noter l'absence de "to")
On Monday, april 4th, 1993
Do you like England? Yes i do
Is she comming tomorrow? Yes she is
It is terribly late. Awfully. It awfully late
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